Menopause – 5 Insights I Wish I Knew Before


As women, we often navigate life’s milestones with a blend of anticipation and uncertainty. Menopause, however, is a journey that can catch many off guard, prompting reflections on what we wish we had known earlier. In this blog post, I explore five insights about menopause that I wish had known earlier.

1. Perimenopause -The Unseen Prelude

Insight:  The realization that menopause isn’t an abrupt event but a gradual process marked by perimenopause.

Reflection: Understanding the existence and impact of perimenopause—a stage preceding menopause—would have provided a roadmap for the changes my body would undergo. Recognizing perimenopausal symptoms earlier could have empowered me to navigate this phase with more awareness and preparation.

2. Menopause – A Sneaky Arrival

Insight: Menopause doesn’t announce itself with fanfare; it sneaks up subtly.

Reflection: The gradual onset of menopause caught me by surprise. Knowing that symptoms might manifest quietly over time would have allowed me to proactively manage them, rather than reacting to unexpected changes in my body and mood.

3. Changing Perspectives on Sexuality

Insight: Feelings about sex may shift, and that’s entirely normal.

Reflection: Recognizing that fluctuating hormones during menopause can influence sexual desire and comfort would have eased concerns about changing feelings toward intimacy. Open communication about these changes with my partner and seeking support if needed would have been valuable.

4. Preparing Loved Ones

Insight: Preparing loved ones for the emotional and physical changes that come with menopause is crucial.

Reflection:  I wish I had known the importance of having open conversations with my partner, family, and friends about the challenges and emotional rollercoaster of menopause. Creating a supportive environment could have alleviated some of the emotional burden and strengthened my relationships during this phase.

5. Navigating Feelings of Loss

Insight: Feeling sadness or a sense of loss about fertility ending is normal.

Reflection: Understanding that menopause brings not only physical changes but also a transition in reproductive capabilities would have allowed me to process feelings of loss and embrace the unique opportunities that come with this new phase of life.

5. Impact on Major Body Systems

Insight:  Menopause symptoms affect major body systems.

Reflection:  Comprehensive knowledge about how menopause can impact not only reproductive health but also cardiovascular, bone, and cognitive health would have motivated me to adopt a holistic approach to health, incorporating lifestyle changes and seeking medical guidance when needed.

While the journey through menopause can be complex and challenging, these insights serve as a guide for embracing this phase with greater awareness and resilience. Understanding the multifaceted nature of menopause, from perimenopause to changing feelings about intimacy, prepares women for the journey ahead. By fostering open communication, seeking support, and embracing the physical and emotional changes, women can navigate menopause with a sense of empowerment and self-discovery.