Must-Have Products for Women in Menopause


This is for all you women also navigating the symptoms of perimenopause or menopause! The hot flashes, sleep struggles, and everything in between. That’s why I’ve rounded up some of the products I’ve found along my journey that have been absolute game-changers for me. 

1. Bamboo Comforter

Let’s talk about the nightly saga of hot flashes and covers. One moment you’re snug as a bug; then the next, the covers are flying off. Covers on, covers off, repeat. 

I have found this bamboo comforter to be the perfect solution for hot flashes! It’s like sleeping under a cool cloud. The bamboo fabric is magic for regulating temperature. No more tossing and turning; it quickly became a secret weapon in my perimenopause symptoms arsenal.

2. Comfy Sleepwear

On that same note of a cooling sleeping environment is that of cooling sleepwear.  These pajamas are lightweight and made of soft, breathable fabric. They are suitable for all seasons and come in both short-sleeved or long-sleeved. 

3. Hot Flash Remedy

Black Cohosh, derived from the roots of the plant, has long been used to address hormonal imbalances. Studies suggest that it may help alleviate hot flashes and night sweats by influencing serotonin levels. Many women turn to black cohosh for relief for hot flashes in menopause to help reduce their frequency and intensity. 

4. Collagen

As we age, our bodies naturally produce less collagen, leading to visible signs of aging like wrinkles and sagging skin. Factors such as sun exposure, smoking, and poor nutrition can accelerate collagen loss. Collagen helps support skin elasticity, benefits joint health and bone density, boosts hair and nail strength, and aids in digestive health. 

Collagen comes in different types and forms. Adding collagen peptides to your coffee can do wonders for your skin, hair, and joints. This powder form dissolves great in hot liquids and is pretty much undetected.

5. Magnesium for Sleep

Perimenopause and menopause wreak havoc on sleep patterns. Fortunately, there is a natural solution that can help you navigate through this with more ease and comfort – Magnesium.

Inadequate sleep impacts both your performance and health, leaving you fatigued, unfocused, and not feeling like yourself. This makes it a vital nutrient for women during perimenopause and menopause.

This magnesium supplement helps you sleep as well as helps maintain the crucial connections between your brain cells so your memory stays razor-sharp.

6. Cholesterol Buster

Starting in my 40s, I found myself facing not only hormonal shifts but also new health concerns – cholesterol and cardiac issues. Personally, it was a puzzle understanding how the body and health I once considered fairly healthy was now encountering newfound issues.

One supplement I found to make a huge difference in my cholesterol levels was Nattokinase. Nattokinase is an enzyme derived from fermented soy that has been shown to support a healthy circulatory system by helping maintain normal fibrinogen levels in the blood. Along with a few dietary charges, and this supplement, I have been able to lower my cholesterol level by more than 50 points. 

7. VITAGUT Liquid Probiotic, Prebiotics & Postbiotics 3-in-1

VITAGUT liquid post, pre, and probiotic drink offers a all-in-one gut health supplement, promoting a healthy mouth, esophagus, and entire gastrointestinal tract exposure to beneficial strains and digestive enzymes with probiotics and prebiotics.

I have tried several items for my gut and constipation. This liquid version has been by far the best. It’s like taking a little shot each day, which is better than some of the gritty fiber drinks I’ve tried in the past. I don’t have any more Bloating!

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